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Meet AVENEW Group, LLC — Innovative Dealership Solutions Provider
April 26, 2021 at 11:00 PM
Meet AVENEW Group, LLC — Innovative Dealership Solutions Provider

If it feels like your car dealership’s growth and profitability have hit a ceiling, there’s a simple solution, but one that's slightly tricky to execute. With more services that buyers appreciate, you can achieve a sharper competitive edge.

The critical challenge is having the know-how to implement programs that give buyers those services, or even understanding what they are in the first place.

AVENEW’s dealership solutions have been the key to this problem for many, as they could be for you too.

Here’s an introduction to us, our products and services, and why we’re not your typical dealership solutions provider.

Our products and services

Let’s start with a look at what we provide to help you run a more profitable dealership:

DOWC program

With the DOWC (dealer-owned warranty company) program, your car dealership establishes its reinsurance company. AVENEW’s unique approach is to tailor the program and its structure exactly to your dealership.

This enables you to offer your own F & I products, with benefits such as having control over coverages, rates, naming, and branding.

Other return-increasing include:

  • Reduced or entirely eliminated fees and taxes
  • Long-term tax deferal
  • Higher investment returns

Specifically with us, your profits are increased further since:

  • You keep 100% of returns
  • The cash is always fully in your control and you make all investment decisions
  • We support you with processing claims, ensuring compliance, and handling administration duties

An additional strength to our approach is that we customize our DOWC product to your dealership’s risk profile, implementing tailored mitigation strategies.

Pulse® Protects

Pulse® Protects is our braking product that creates the one-second window a trailing driver often need to avoid rear-end collisions. The Department of Industry’s findings show that an additional accident can prevent up to 90%, highlighting how effective this product can be for protecting car buyers’ families.

When you brake, the Pulse® Protects brake light pulses rapidly four times. This is a proven way of catching trailing driver's attention or rousing absent-minded drivers from their haze. And the extra time can be, as it often is, all that’s needed to slow down or halt and avoid something tragic.

The Pulse® Protects brake light stops pulsing at five-second intervals, whether or not the driver continues to apply their brakes. This enables it to continue helping to preserve the safety of passengers while avoiding annoyance to trailing drivers in stop-and-go traffic.

Wide-ranging add-on products for buyers

AVENEW also offers add-on products for car buyers, including such often needed services as:

  • Extended warranties
  • Key replacement
  • Dent and ding protection

Through presenting buyers with insurance products that help buyers protect their purchase while creating revenue opportunities for you, your dealership can strengthen its market position and increase value to customers. And that’s an essential element of getting ahead of your competitors.

Our edge

Everything that makes us unique as a dealership solutions provider springs from our commitment to understanding our clients. Gaining a deep understanding of your dealership enables us to discover insights that influence how we integrate AVENEW.

Far more than just increasing your immediate sales, our made-to-fit implementation creates potential for enhanced profitability in the long term.

Maximize your car leadership’s competitive position and profits with AVENEW

While the above can give you an idea of what we can do for your dealership, our solutions are always fully customized. We help you develop programs and products that matter to your customers and win their appreciation, all the while creating and leveraging new opportunities to boost profitability.

Contact us today to hear how partnering with us opens new doors for your dealership, or call us at 616-259-6050.